Archive for February, 2011

February 17, 2011 “A Tree Falls in Nathan Bedford’s Forrest”

In his debut column at, the editors there allow Cole Coonce to ruminate on the Sons of Confederacy’s proposal to have the State of Mississippi issue license plates sporting the likeness of Nathan Bedford Forrest.

The controversy? It might be based on Forrest’s penchant for slave-trading, genocidal battle tactics and an induction as leader of that lil’ ol’ social club known as the Klan.


Coonce has penned The Devil’s Own Day, a historical novel about Forrest, and his relationship to both Erwin Rommel and the delta blues.

Read it here: A Tree Falls in Nathan Bedford’s Forrest and the Mississippi Department of Motor Vehicles Gets an Earful

And kudos to Brian Lohnes at for allowing Coonce to go free-form….